Frequently asked Questions

What vaccinations are required?
All pets must have their yearly vaccinations up to date.

Does my pet have to be spayed/neutered if I were to use your service?
For home boarding, all pets must be spayed/neutered when they are at least 7 months old. For all other services, they need not be spayed/neutered.

How quickly can I use your service?
If your pet is new to No Paw’s Too Small, a consultation will be arranged for all dog walking, pet sitting, and home boarding services. During this consultation we will discuss your particular needs, assess your pets behaviour, and review all documentation. Once this is complete and all is in order, we are ready to take care of your pet.

What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept cash, cheque, VISA, Mastercard and Direct Debit.

When is payment due?
Payment is due prior to the commencement of our services.

Dog Walking
What happens during the consultation for dog walking services?
The consultation will take place at your home. An office staff member and perspective dog walker will attend. At that time you will provide copies of all documentation and discuss your specific needs. Our staff will also observe your pet to assess needs and behaviour and sociability skills. For the safety your dog and our staff we are only able to accept those dogs who demonstrate social, non aggressive behaviour.

Who will walk my dog?
Generally your dog walker will be the one who attended the consultation. If on any given day your regular walker is not available due to illness or other reason, another fully trained and bonded dog walker will be assigned.

What is included in the service?
Our service is a 30 minute visit and includes a walk, change of water, and any other services you may require (ie. Plant watering, mail collection, etc.)

Pet Sitting
What happens during the consultation for pet sitting services?
The consultation will take place at your home. An office staff member and perspective pet sitter will attend. At that time you will provide copies of all documentation and discuss your specific needs. Our staff will also observe your pet to assess needs and behaviour and sociability skills. For the safety your pet and our staff we are only able to accept those pets who demonstrate social, non aggressive behaviour.

Who will sit with my pet?
Generally your pet sitter will be the one who attended the consultation. If on any given day your regular sitter is not available due to illness or other reason, another fully trained and bonded pet sitter will be assigned.

What is included in the service?
Our service is a 30 minute visit and includes playing, feeding, change of water, and any other services you may require.

Home Boarding
What happens during the consultation for home boarding services?
The consultation will take place at our location. At that time you will bring copies of all documentation, receive a tour of our facility, and leave your dog in the daycare for half day. During this time, our staff will assess their sociability skills. For the safety of all dogs and our staff we are only able to accept those dogs who demonstrate social, non aggressive behaviour.

Where will my dog board?
Your dog will board at the home of one of our staff members. They will stay with this individual for the full length of the service. During regular business days, your dog will be brought to the daycare.

Will my dog be crated?
Only if your dog is crated at home.

What is the availability?
Availability is very limited. Please book well in advance particularly in the summer months and holiday weekends to avoid disappointment.